Phoenix Press

"The ndial. It is a sleek, turntable-sized contraption covered with — you guessed it — switches, buttons, and knobs. Bussigel cues up a Sade song from his laptop then filters it through the ndial, where he chops up and rearranges snippets of drums and voice by tapping blinking buttons. It sounds like the song has gone through a blender."

Philip Eil, Digital Alchemy on Power Street (Providence Phoenix)

Adventurometric Devices

PETER BUSSIGEL, STEPHAN MOORE, AND KIMBERLY YOUNG Adventurometric Devices (2012) Audio/visual performance / ~10:00 min / Providence (RI) Performer: Kimberly Young A performer navigates a tangle of simultaneous loops, uncovering their interactions through the physical manipulation of their relative phases. [,]

Documentation from Pixilerations, October 12th

bumpr pixilerations

Hybrid Instruments, Custom Digital Processing, Noisy Handmade Objects Providence (RI) The signal has been observed since around 1982. On rare occasions, it is interrupted and a voice transmission takes place. Despite much speculation, the actual purpose of this signal remains unknown. On September 1, 2010, the signal was interrupted by a 38-second fragment of "Dance of the Little Swans" from Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake. A Morse code signal accompanied the fragment. Performers: BUMPR [Peter Bussigel, Stephan Moore, Caroline Park, Tim Rovinelli]

The signal has been observed since around 1982. On rare occasions, it is interrupted and a voice transmission takes place. Despite much speculation, the actual purpose of this signal remains unknown. On September 1, 2010, the signal was interrupted by a 38-second fragment of "Dance of the Little Swans" from Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake. A Morse code signal accompanied the fragment.

Performance by BUMPR

Adventurometric Devices

Adventurometric Devices

Worked on "Adventurometric Devices" with Stephan Moore and Kim Young. Kim navigates a tangle of simultaneous loops, uncovering their interactions through the physical manipulation of their relative phases. The performance will be part of Pixilerations 2012.


I am incapable of playing a steady rhythm. This piece exploits this deficiency and helps to smooth the pulse through multiplication. I recorded around 90 takes at around 90 bpm, using stuff found lying around and combining the takes to create audio visual textures in which the sound and the image are quite literally one. There is no audio processing save the fades that are mirrored in the visuals.

~90, new soundvideo



Performing sound with other members from Bumpr for Merce Cunningham MinEvent May 3-5 in Stuart Theatre.

A Grand Gallery


"A Grand Gallery" is a new, site-specific composition taking place in the RISD Museum. The physical space of the Grand Gallery becomes the structural back-bone to an hour-long performance.  Exploring ideas of chance, juxtaposition, and time, BUMPR (Peter Bussigel, Stephan Moore, Caroline Park, and Tim Rovinelli) will navigate the gallery in a live, structured improvisation using a combination of customized & hand-built electronics, acoustic instruments, and the gallery space. Audience members are free to roam the gallery during the performance and experience the space with new eyes and ears. April 19th from 7:30 - 8:30.

Transmongolia Press

"Peter Bussigel’s Transmongolia for [objects] and video consisted of the composer himself busily creating a throng of looped sounds with everything from a Rubik’s Cube to magnets on metal beside a continuous hi-res shot of neon green Mongolian countryside taken from a train. Accepting the world of sound Bussigel set about creating was not easy, but the brain both clenched at the noise and longed for it after the fact."

Elias Blumm, i care if you listen


Footage taken from a train in 2007. The sound is made from field recordings and instruments performed live into the AM - transmongolia (2013)…………|pb=================> ransmongolia (2012)…………/pb========> ansmongolia (2011)………../pb==============> nsmongolia (2010)………./pb=====> smongolia (2009)………/pb=========> mongolia (2008)……../oo====> ongolia (2007)……./ooo========> ngolia (2006)……/oooo=============> golia (2005)…../ooooo=======> olia (2004)…./oooooo===> lia (2003).../oooooooo=========> ia (2002)../ooooooooo=====> a (2001).|oooooooooo_____ ia (2002)..\oooooooooo_____ lia (2003)…\ooooooooo______ olia (2004)….\oooooooo_______ golia (2005)…..\ooooooo________ ngolia (2006)……\oooooo_________ ongolia (2007)…….\oooo____________ mongolia (2008)……..\ooo_____________ smongolia (2009)………\oo______________ nsmongolia (2010)……….\o_______________ ansmongolia (2011)………..\_________________ ransmongolia (2012)…………\_________________ transmongolia (2013)…………|___________________ ransmongolia (2012)…………/_____________________ ansmongolia (2011)………../______________________ nsmongolia (2010)………./______________________ smongolia (2009)………/1______________________|| mongolia (2008)……../-01_____________________||||| ongolia (2007)……./0-0123___________________||||||||| ngolia (2006)……/10-012345_________________|||||||||||| golia (2005)…../210-0123456________________|||||||||||||||| olia (2004)…./3210-01234567_______________|||||||||||||||||| lia (2003).../43210-0123456789_____________||||||||||||||||| ia (2002)../543210-01234567890___________:|||||||||||||||| a (2001).|6543210-0123456789___________:::|||||||||||||| ia (2002)..\543210-012345678____________::::|||||||||||| lia (2003)…\43210-01234567____________::::::||||||||||=> olia (2004)….\3210-0123456____________::::::::||||||||==> golia (2005)…..\210-012345____________:::::::::|||||||=> ngolia (2006)……\10-01234___________::::::::::::||||||=====> ongolia (2007)…….\0-01231_________::::::::::::::::||||=========> mongolia (2008)……..\-01231_______:::::::::::::::::::|||==> smongolia (2009)………\01231_____::::::::::::::::::::::||=====> nsmongolia (2010)……….\1231___::::::::::::::::::::::::::|===> ansmongolia (2011)………..\123__::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|========> ransmongolia (2012)…………\1__::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|=====> transmongolia (2013)…………|_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|============>

Transmongolia is a old/new video/live performance made from footage taken out the window of a train while traveling on the Trans-Mongolian railroad from Beijing to St. Petersburg in 2007.